Electrical Defect Notice
If you’ve never heard of or received an electrical defect notice before, then consider yourself lucky. If you have, unfortunately, then here is everything that you need to know about them to get yourself out of one.

What is an electrical defect notice?
An electrical defect notice is a notice issued to homeowners indicating that their electrical installations do not comply with the safety standards and needs to be corrected by an electrical technician.
If you are a homeowner and your electricity connection does not meet the safety standards and regulations set out by the NSW government, then chances are you’ll receive an electrical defect notice. The notice you’ll receive usually contains details regarding defects that have been identified by authorities such as Ausgrid and Energy Endeavour on your overhead or private powerlines.
Disconnection of Service
You’ll have 21 days to repair the defects outlined in the notice. It is imperative to note that failure to do so can potentially result in your electrical connections being disconnected from your property.
Why are electrical defect notices issued?
There are five common reasons why homeowners are issued an electrical defect notice. They include:
1) Damaged or missing equipment – On most occasions, damaged or missing electrical equipment will cause other potentially dangerous issues such as switchboard failure, electrical fire, and meltdowns. This is the main reason why inspection officials will issue an electrical defect notice.
2) A potentially dangerous private electrical pole – If you have a power pole or a private power line You’ll receive an electrical defect notification if an inspector concludes that your timber or steel power pole is in bad shape and poses a risk to the general public. An example of this is if your pole is at risk of falling over on public roads, sidewalks or even on buildings.
3) Overhead cables that run low – If you didn’t know, all power lines and overhead cables must adhere to strict height clearance guidelines, especially when located over alleys, streets, driveways, and footpaths.
As a property owner, it’s also your responsibility to make sure that trees, as well as other vegetation, are not in contact with the available overhead lines. This is important because it protects communities against bushfires. You’ll be issued a notice for an electrical defect if any power cables that run to your property is below the regulation height.
4) Unsafe switchboard – Switchboards are often deemed unsafe if they are unable to meet your property’s electrical demands. An outdated switchboard will either cause your fuses to overheat or trip and is best to get a switchboard upgrade as soon as possible. Inspectors will issue a notice for an electrical defect if they find potentially dangerous components in your switchboard.
5) Problems with the point of attachment – If there are any electrical cables in your property that are improperly attached, frayed or need immediate repair, you’ll definitely receive a defect notice from the relevant power authority.

What should you do if issued with an electrical defect notice?
You’ll have to quickly resolve the issue as detailed on the electrical defect notice. You’ve got 21 days to ensure that the defect is repaired. Your first point of action should be to contact your local level 2 electricians and ask for their assistance to help you fix the defect notice.
All level 2 electricians are fully qualified and authorised to carry out any type of electrical procedure to help you with your electrical defect. A good electrician will ensure that the rest of your home is protected and defect-free so that you won’t get hit with another notice.
What happens if the defect isn’t taken care of?
It should be noted that any defects not repaired within 21 days after notification may lead to your electricity supply being disconnected. You don’t want to experience such a problem and this is why you want to ensure the repairs are not only completed on time, but also according to the standards and regulations in NSW.
Gordon’s Powers Level 2 Authorised Service Provider
Our Level 2 ASP electricians across Sydney are here to help you. They have the qualifications, skills, and experience. We guarantee that your electrical system at home is in perfect working and clear your electrical defect notice. They are authorised by the energy providers such as Ausgrid and Energy Endeavour. Therefore to handle local network power lines and private power lines.
Expert Electrician
Contact Gordon’s Powers Level 2 electricians today for a free quote over the phone on (02) 9199 7480. We help Sydney homeowners and businesses with any type of electrical faults, installations, replacements, and repairs.
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